Jaime I El Conquistador, nº9. Entresuelo 4+5 – 30.008 Murcia (SPAIN)

Special attention is given to the reflection of research projects and their dissemination. The book BYGGINGARLIST MANFRED VILHJÁLMSSON has been awarded the 2009 Architecture Prize in Iceland. We have carried out more than two hundred social dissemination activities: specialised magazines and books, presentations at congresses and conferences, but also in newspapers and weblogs. A constant challenge has been to use these last two mass media to transmit contents of architectural transcendence, to the point of having managed to publish the review of these same texts in scientific journals. Most of the articles published on the Internet are included in Wikipedia as reference documents.
General Info/Accessibility
Who can use the co-working space?: Freelancers, Businesses, Would-be entrepreneurs
How many available workstations does the co-working space have?: 11-20
Is the co-working space near: Bus station
Is car-parking stations near the co-working space?: Yes
Is the co-working space accessible by disabled people?: Yes
Does the co-working space offer 24/7 access to its premises & facilities?: Yes
What is the pricing model of the co-working space?: Monthly fee
Offered Facilities/Amenities/Services
Hot desks (non-dedicated desks): Yes
Dedicated desks: Yes
Private offices: Yes
Meeting rooms: Yes
Classrooms: No
Event spaces: No
Teleconferencing rooms / equipment: No
High speed internet: Yes
Lounge areas: Yes
Kitchen: Yes
Lockers: No
Printing and scanning facilities: Yes
Personal Computers: No
Monitors: No
Professional mailing address: Yes
Switchboard / Phone answering service: No
IT support service: No
Legal services: No
Counselling services: No
Post box: Yes
Controlled access: Yes
Fire security system: Yes