The “GiSeMi HUB”, is a joint initiative of the Municipality of Trikala and e-Trikala SA, which aims to highlight new innovative business ideas, which provide solutions to the challenges and problems faced by modern cities such as employment and skills, energy transition, transition to the digital age, security in public places, urban poverty, air quality, climate change, circular economy etc.
In particular, in a modern, functional and fully cooperative space of the city of Trikala, there is the opportunity to host groups of young people who have an innovative business idea and want to develop it into startups, startups that want to improve their business operations, as well as companies that want to grow or diversify their business.
The Hub provides businesses with:
- secretarial and administrative support.
- internet access, at very high speeds.
- use of meeting room, amphitheater and supervisory facilities.
- Wireless network access in the meeting room, amphitheater and common areas.
- Specialized education / training services.
- Networking actions to support business teams.
- Fax, scanner, printer,
- promotion of the activities of the hosted companies, through the website, social networks, newsletters, press releases and posts – announcements within the HUB.
- Use of internal telephone network.
- Locker.
- Kitchen space.
- Use of parking space.
In order for a group of young people or businesses to be hosted on GiSeMi HUB, they must apply to e-Trikala S.A. The application must be accompanied by a business plan. E-Trikala S.A. will evaluate and approve or reject the applications, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) calendar days.